October 16, 2024


What is ragging?

“Causing, inducing, compelling or forcing a student, Whether by way of practical joke or otherwise, to do any act which detracts from human dignity or violates his / her person or  exposes him/her to ridicule from doing any lawful act. By intimidating, wrongfully restraining, wrongfully confining, or injuring him or by using criminal force on him/her or by holding out to him/her any threat of intimidation, wrongful confinement, injury or the use of criminal force”.

Any act resulting in,

a) Mental/physical/sexual abuse,

b) Verbal abuse,

c) Indecent behaviour,

d) Criminal Intimidation/wrongful restraint,

e) Underminig Human dignity,

f) Financial exploitation/ extortion or

g) Use of force, is considered to be ragging.

Ragging whether punishable?

 Ragging is an offence under penal code and under section 116 of the Karnataka Education Act,  1983 (Karnataka Act No. 1 of 1995) A student indulging in Ragging, as per the UGC guidelines, State Government Order and the Judgements of the Supreme Court can be:

A) Cancellation of admission.

B) Suspension from attending classes.

C) Withholding/withdrawing Scholarship/Fellowship and other benefits.

D) Debarring from appearing in any test/ examination on other evaluation process.

E) Withholding results.

F) Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet, tournament or youth festival etc.

G) Collective punishment when the persons committing or abetting the crime of ragging are not identified the institution shall resort to collective punishment as a deterrent to ensure community pressure on potential ragger.

The College has constituted an Anti-ragging Committee as per the mandate of the said UGC (Curbing the Menace of Ragging) Regulation, 2009. . Any student of this institution accused and found guilty of ragging, will be severely dealt with, in accordance with the Provisions of the Law.


 Sl/NoNameDesignationContact No.
  1.Dr. S. S. NagthanChairperson9880232748
  2.Shri. M. I. InamdarCo-ordinator9113584196
  3.Smt. T. P.  KadechurMember8951409472
  4.Shri. A. M. MushrifMember8792575295
  5.Shri. P.E. SankadMember8867890204
  6.Miss. Rashmi KaleMember/Student Representative6362709273
  7.Mr. Arbaz MamdapurMember/Student Representative7795740898