October 16, 2024


Code of Conduct for Student:

1) Every student must have his/her identity card duly signed by the Principal, while in the College premises.
2) Every student is bond to maintain generaldiscipline and cleanliness in the campus.
3) Students should be punctual and regular in Classes.
4) A student should maintain at least 75% altendance in the Lectures of every subject, failure to do will lead to debarring from University examination.
5) Students should fulfill all the requirement under the curriculum, such as, assignment, seminars internal test and internship with regard to all the courses.
6) Refrain from any acts discrimination which based on caste, religion, gender, colour, disability or political believe etc.
7) Students should respect the Teaching Staff and Non-Teaching Staff.
8) Refrain from any illegal activities including possession and consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gutka etc. in the College premises.
10) Refrain from acts of ragging.
11) Refrain from acts causing damage to the property of the College (Institution).
12) Any act in conflict with Rule No. 6 to 11 shall lead to initiation of disciplinary actionagainst the student/ students.
13) Actions for violation of Rule No.6 to 11 may include fine, suspension or rustication.

Library Rules for Students:

• All students are required to enter their names and sign the register provided at the entrance.

•Students can borrow certain number of books, periodicals, Journals for a period of time as    stipulated and communicated by the Librarian.

• Library books are required to be returned by the student in time.

• A fine will be levied after the expiry of the due date. All issued books must be returned and library fines (if any) must be settled on time.

•Borrowers shall replace lost or damaged library materials with new versions of the same.

• Library users are expected to maintain silence at all times in the library.

• Mobile phones and their use in Reading Room is prohibited.

• Library users should present their identity card for the borrowing or renewal of library material.

• The Librarian reserves the right to deny the issuance or renewal of library materials where the identity card is not presented by the student

• The librarian reserves the right to refuse admission to any student violating the rules and regulations of the library.

• Students should return all the borrowed items from the library clear

all fines and return the library ID card before leaving the college.

Code of conduct for Non-teaching:

  1. Every staff employed in the College shall discharge his/her duties efficiently and diligently and shall conform to the rules and regulations.
  2. Staff must maintain an impeccable standard of integrity in all their professional relationships.
  3. Staff should avoid words and deeds that might bring the College into disrepute or might undermine colleagues.
  4. Develop friendly and co-operative relationship with the faculty members, students and parents.
  5. Assist and guide the students with regard to procedure of admission, claiming scholarships, bus-pass etc.

Code of conduct for Teaching- staff:

  1. Teachers shall perform their duties in the form of teaching, tutorials, practical & other official works assigned, with dedication.
  2. Co-operate with the Management, Collegeaus (Teaching and Non-Teaching) in carrying out the functions, as an educational institution.
  3. Participate in co-curricular, extension and extra-curricular activities and any service rendered to the community.
  4. Respect the rights and dignity of non-teaching staff & students.
  5. To remain impartial & unbiased towards students.
  6. To strive to meet to the needs of students on their individual capabilities.

Composition of Committee for Students

1Dr.Santosh.S. NagathanCHAIRMAN
2Smt. Ujwala A SirnadgoudaCO-ORDINATOR
3Shri Ayazkadri M Mushrif MEMBER