October 16, 2024




  • Students from various semesters have participated in various games.
  • One of our student by name ArifJanvekar was Selected as University Blue in Cricket Team.
  • And Lokeshkumar from final year was selected as University Blue in Body Building.
  • College will provide all possible support for participation.


Shri. P.E. Sankad, B.A.,LL.B.,(Spl), LL.M,NET, Programme officer, N.S.S

N.S.S Wing of our college is very active and contributing in a better manner to the needs of society. It conducts regular activities and special camps. Along with regular activities and special camps our student volunteers will spread legal awareness by way of Drama and Speech on different socio-legal issues.


Shri. P.E. Sankad, B.A.,LL.B.,(Spl), LL.M, NET, Chairman for College Union and Gymkhana

Every year College Union and Gymkhana office bearers will be elected. Last year we adopted secret ballot method, but from present academic year i.e 2015-16, Representatives of College Union and Gymkhana will be elected based on  merits. College union has its own Constitution.

College union Contains the fallowing positions as its office bearers;

  1. Chairman, College Union ( A member of Teaching Staff)
  2. General Secretary ( Final Year Student)
  3. Girls Representative ( Final year Student)
  4. Joint secretary ( For Second year students)
  5. Gymkhana Secretary ( Open to all semesters)
  6. Library Secretary (Open to all semesters)
  7. Class representatives for each year.